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GitHub Discussions

The Pushkin team uses GitHub Discussions as our primary interface with Pushkin users. Please start a discussion there if you'd like to ask a question, report a potential bug, or request a new feature. For bug reports and feature requests, a Pushkin team member can determine whether to elevate a discussion into a new issue (linking back to the original discussion). In some cases, advanced users may immediately recognize that a bug merits a new issue, but generally starting with a discussion is a best practice.

Please keep the following in mind when posting in discussions:

  • Search for related discussions and issues first before creating a new thread. Even if you need to create a new thread, linking back to related discussions may help others.
  • When relevant, include code snippets and CLI output. Typically, copying and pasting the error text rather than screenshotting will be most helpful, but sometimes screenshots will be useful for front-end issues.
  • If you're asking for help with an error, include relevant version numbers. For most errors, versions of pushkin-cli, experiment/site templates, Docker Engine, and Node.js will be useful information. In some cases, it may also be helpful to include the version numbers of other components, e.g. pushkin-api, pushkin-client, pushkin-worker, yarn, jsPsych plugins, etc.
  • If you encounter a problem with one of your experiments, try to determine whether it pertains to the interaction between Pushkin and jsPsych, rather than jsPsych itself. The best place for questions about jsPsych itself is jsPsych’s discussions page. A good workflow for developing Pushkin experiments is to first create a working example as a plain jsPsych experiment. If your experiment doesn’t do what you expect in plain jsPsych, your issue isn’t with Pushkin.