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The self-paced-reading template includes an experiment in which participants read sentences presented in word-by-word fashion.

Installing the exp-self-paced-reading template

In your Pushkin site directory, run:

pushkin i exp

Name the experiment and select the main Pushkin distribution. Select @pushkin-templates/exp-self-paced-reading from the list of available templates and choose which version you want (the latest is typically recommended).

Config options

In the experiment's /web page/src direrectory, you'll find the config file config.js (note that this is different from the config.yaml file in the root of the experiment). Here you'll find some options which change the behavior of the experiment:

  • fontColor: the color for experiment text (see note below for details)
  • fontSize: the size for experiment text (see note below for details)
  • fontFamily: the font for experiment text (note that multiple backups are specified, in case specific fonts are not available for particular participants; see note below for details)
  • comprehension: when true, each self-paced reading trial will be followed by a two-alternative forced-choice comprehension question; when false, the experiment goes right to the next self-paced reading trial
  • correctiveFeedback: if true, participants will get feedback after answering each comprehension question which indicates whether their response was correct or incorrect; if false, no feedback will follow the comprehension questions; note that this parameter has no effect if comprehension questions are not being displayed


The fontColor, fontSize, and fontFamily config options do not apply to the actual self-paced-reading stimuli (i.e. the text rendered by the jsPsych self-paced-reading plugin). To alter the aesthetics of these sentences, modify the plugin's parameters in experiment.js (see the plugin's documentation for details)


sentence comprehension
The horse raced past the barn fell. ['What fell?', 'The horse', 'The barn']
Sam saw the teacher with glasses on. ['Who did Sam see?', 'The teacher', 'The student']
They saw the wooden boxes in two. ['What are the boxes made of?', 'Wood', 'Metal']
The mysterious bark came from a tree native to New Zealand. ['Where did the bark come from?', 'A tree', 'A dog']

The stimuli for this experiment have two parameters:

  • sentence: the sentence or text to be read
  • comprehension: an array containing the specifications for the comprehension questions; the first element is the question itself, the second is the correct answer, and the third is the incorrect answer. The correct and incorrect answers are randomly assigned to the 'F' and 'J' keys in experiment.js.

Customizing a self-paced-reading experiment

Finding experiment files to modify

If you have installed an experiment using the self-paced reading experiment template and called it spr, you should have a directory called spr in your experiments folder. This directory should be structured like this:

├── api controllers
├── config.yaml
├── migrations
├── web page
└── worker

In order to customize your self-paced reading experiment, you will need to access two files, config.js and stim.js. These files can be found in web page/src/, a directory that looks like this:

├── assets
├── config.js
├── consent.js
├── debrief.js
├── experiment.js
├── index.js
└── stim.js

Modifying config.js

This file controls the aesthetics of your experiment, including font color, font size, and font family. If you wanted to set the font color to blue, set the font size to 36px, and set the font family to a serif font such as Palatino Linotype, you would modify config.js as follows:

const experimentConfig = {
  fontColor: "blue",
  fontSize: "36px",
  fontFamily: "'Palatino Linotype', Palatino, serif",
  comprehension: true,
  correctiveFeedback: true, // Only relevant if comprehension is set to true

export default experimentConfig;

You'll notice that 'Palatino Linotype' is not fontFamily's only specification. This is because it's important to list backup fonts in case your preferred font can't be loaded. You can read more about this practice here and see other CSS font combination ideas here.

Note that any font-related changes you make to config.js will not affect the font in the actual self-paced reading trials. To modify that font (and other plugin parameters), you will need to edit the trial in experiment.js. See the plugin documentation for details.

You can run pushkin prep and pushkin start to see your changes.

Modifying stim.js

This file controls the self-paced reading sentences and comprehension questions (if relevant) presented to participants. Create a new table of sentences and comprehension questions for your experiment, with your comprehension questions in a three-element array (i.e. ['<question>', '<correct answer>', '<incorrect answer>']). Then use a table-to-JSON converter such as this one to format it correctly for jsPsych and paste the array into the stim.js file.

Run pushkin prep and pushkin start again, and your experiment should be ready to go!