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Contributing to Pushkin

We encourage contributions of all kinds, including changes to the Pushkin CLI and its supporting packages, development of new site and experiment templates, and improvements to the documentation.

The project is managed entirely through Pushkin's GitHub repository. There you can:

  • Use discussions to propose ideas for development and seek feedback on potential contributions.
  • Use issues to track actionable next steps for contributions, like a page in the documentation that needs to be fixed, a bug in the code, or a specific feature with a clear scope.
  • Submit a pull request with updates to the code. Pull requests will be reviewed by one or more members of the core team.

Guidelines for contributing

Security vulnerabilities

If your potential contribution relates to a security vulnerability, please refer to our security policy for guidance on reporting it privately.

Contributing to the codebase

We welcome contributions of any scope. To facilitate a smooth integration into the main codebase, we generally require a few things:

  • Updates to relevant documentation: Any pages in /docs affected by your contribution should be updated. If new pages are needed, please create them. For instance, if you're contributing a new experiment template, we would expect that you:

  • Inclusion of a changeset: Pushkin uses changesets as part of our release workflow for all packages published to npm (i.e., anything in /packages or /templates). Please include a changeset in your pull request. This overview explains how to add one. The Pushkin team is happy to provide guidance on this, but some general points to keep in mind:

    • Changesets handles bumping versions of the packages you change; don't manually increment the version number in package.json.
    • If you change is small enough for a single commit, it's nice to include the changeset in the commit.
    • If your changes are more substantial and merit multiple commits, add the changeset to whichever commit you like (one of the final ones is probably most sensible). You don't need to include a changeset with every commit.
    • In less common cases, your pull request might merit multiple changesets. Example situations might be if you are making unrelated changes to separate packages or a mix of patches and new features.
  • Code style and quality: Contributions should follow the established coding standards and practices of the project. This includes writing clean, readable, and well-documented code. Please ensure that new code passes all existing tests and, where applicable, add new tests to cover your updates. We recommend installing the ESLint extension for your IDE (e.g. ESLint for VSCode) so you can easily fix automatically detected problems in your code as you work. In the future, contributors will not be able to commit code with lint problems (see warning below).


Pushkin is gradually configuring linting for the entire monorepo. The eventual goal is to automatically correct code style and quality issues when a contributor commits; if issues were detected which could not be automatically fixed, the commit would fail. So that development can proceed while we dial in our lint configuration, we currently have all lint problems set to throw warnings, rather than errors. This means that, for now, you can still commit code with lint problems, although this will change in the future. Contributors can help us in the meantime by:

  1. Installing the ESLint extension for your IDE (e.g. ESLint for VSCode) and not adding any code with new lint problems
  2. If you're sufficiently confident, correcting lint problems in the files you're working on
  3. If you're sufficiently confident, editing the ESLint configuration file in the root of the monorepo to account for the needs of the package or template you're working on
  4. Not commiting code with lint-disabling comments, as this doesn't help us update the lint configuration to be maximally useful (if you think disabling linting for a particular line/block is absolutely necessary, please discuss it with Pushkin maintainers)

Contributing to the documentation

Contributions to documentation, whether small corrections or adding new tutorials, are highly valued. The source files for this site can be found in the /docs folder of the Pushkin GitHub repository. Consult our instructions for building the docs locally in order to preview your updates. Contributions which affect only the documentation do not require a changeset (cf. Contributing to the codebase).

Contribution flowchart

The flowchart below should give potential contributors an idea of what to expect. Action items specific to contributors and Pushkin team members are called out specifically as below:

    flowchart LR
        contributor(Contributor responsibilities)
        pushkin-team(Pushkin team responsibilities)
        contributor:::contributor ~~~~ pushkin-team:::pushkin-team
        classDef contributor stroke:#009485,stroke-width:3px,stroke-opacity:1,fill:#009485,fill-opacity:0.25
        classDef pushkin-team stroke:#e92063,stroke-width:3px,stroke-opacity:1,stroke-dasharray:5,fill:#e92063,fill-opacity:0.25

As you'll notice, contributors' responsibilities are limited to the development phase of the procedure, but the deployment phase is shown in the second tab for completeness and instructive purposes.

    flowchart TB
        changes(Contributor makes changes in development fork)
        what_changed(Do changes affect anything published to npm?)
        changeset_needed(Contributor adds changeset)
        commit(Contributor commits changes)
        more_changes(Does contributor want to make additional changes?)
        pull_request(Contributor makes pull request on main)
        review(Pushkin team reviews pull request)
        review_changes(Are additional changes needed?)
        update_pr(Contributor commits requested changes)
        accept_pr(Pushkin team accepts pull request)

        START:::terminal --> changes:::contributor
        changes --> what_changed:::non-action
        what_changed -- Yes --> changeset_needed:::contributor
        what_changed -- No --> commit:::contributor
        changeset_needed --> commit
        commit --> more_changes:::non-action
        more_changes -- Yes --> changes:::contributor
        more_changes -- No --> pull_request:::contributor
        pull_request --> review:::pushkin-team
        review --> review_changes:::non-action
        review_changes -- Yes --> update_pr:::contributor
        update_pr --> review_changes
        review_changes -- No --> accept_pr:::pushkin-team

        classDef terminal font-weight:bolder,fill:transparent
        classDef non-action fill:transparent
        classDef contributor stroke:#009485,stroke-width:3px,stroke-opacity:1,fill:#009485,fill-opacity:0.25
        classDef pushkin-team stroke:#e92063,stroke-width:3px,stroke-opacity:1,stroke-dasharray:5,fill:#e92063,fill-opacity:0.25
    flowchart TB
        accept_pr(Pushkin team merges contributor's changes)
        what_changed(Do changes affect anything published to npm?)
        docs_affected(Do changes affect docs?)
            Changesets workflow is triggered;
            changesets are digested into changelogs;
            version numbers are incremented;
            workflow makes another pull request on main
        accept_pr2(Pushkin team merges changes again)
            Changesets workflow is triggered again;
            updated packages are published to npm
        docs_deploy(Pushkin team publishes updated docs)

        accept_pr:::pushkin-team --> what_changed:::non-action
        what_changed -- Yes --> changesets_action:::non-action
        what_changed -- No --> docs_affected:::non-action
        changesets_action --> accept_pr2:::pushkin-team
        accept_pr2 --> changesets_action2:::non-action
        changesets_action2 --> docs_affected
        docs_affected -- Yes --> docs_deploy:::pushkin-team
        docs_affected -- No --> END:::terminal
        docs_deploy --> END

        classDef terminal font-weight:bolder,fill:transparent
        classDef non-action fill:transparent
        classDef contributor stroke:#009485,stroke-width:3px,stroke-opacity:1,fill:#009485,fill-opacity:0.25
        classDef pushkin-team stroke:#e92063,stroke-width:3px,stroke-opacity:1,stroke-dasharray:5,fill:#e92063,fill-opacity:0.25

By contributing to Pushkin, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License. This means that your contributions can be freely used, modified, and shared by others under the same terms. Please ensure you have the right to submit any work you contribute.